Now I am in my sixth decade - My Sixties. Here I share my travels, observations and musings on life - its purpose and meaning.

Now I am in my sixth decade - My Sixties. Here I share my travels, observations and musings on life - its purpose and meaning.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Final Packing for Thursday Departure

I have packed and repacked a couple times and check and rechecked the suggested packing list for Kilimanjaro.  Everything is in a large duffel bag and a carry-on backpack.  The challenge has been to divide up clothing and gear for two parts of the trip. First clothing and gear for the climb.  Since we will start out in warm weather and have the potential for sub-zero temperatures on summit day, many layers are needed.  Next, clothes for a 4 day safari need to be packed (assuming I will not want to wear my hiking clothes on the safari).  Add in travel clothes and the clothing piles up.  I thinned the stack a couple times, so I think I have enough.  My gear includes a sleeping bag, sleeping pad, rain gear, water bottles and Camelback, snacks, energy bars, insect repellant and sunscreen, hiking poles, and camera.  It all mounts up.

Once at the hotel in Tanzania, I can repack the duffel bag the porter will carry with most of the items, and pack my daypack with water, food, rain gear, and any layers I will need for the day.  Each night at camp I can use what I need from the duffel, then repack for the next day.  My packed duffel weighs 25 pounds and my daypack weighs 15 pounds, most of which is water.  The daypack will get lighter as I consume the 3 to 4 liters of water each day.

I am sure I will find I forgot something and will find I brought some items I won't use.  That is true of any trip.  I believe I can get by with what I am taking.  The main thing is I have sufficient layers to keep warm while hiking and a down sleeping bag that will ward off the cold in camp at 12,000 feet.

Posts that follow will depend on Internet access in Tanzania.  Just keep checking.

Thank you for words of support and prayers for me as I travel and climb Kilimanjaro.  Pray for Janice while I am away.

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