Now I am in my sixth decade - My Sixties. Here I share my travels, observations and musings on life - its purpose and meaning.

Now I am in my sixth decade - My Sixties. Here I share my travels, observations and musings on life - its purpose and meaning.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


A Star Gift for 2010

Last Sunday we celebrated Epiphany at church. At the beginning of worship everyone was invited to take a "star gift" - a star cut out with a word printed on it. The words were different and it was a random choice as to what word you received. Words such a HEALING, ENDURANCE, COMPASSION, TENDERNESS, SHARING among many others. The word you receive is your word for the year. A word to ponder, a word to apply in one's life, a word to guide, and a word to lead one through the year.

My word is INSIGHT. What will it mean for me this year? How will God use that word in my life? How will I apply INSIGHT in my life?

It was suggested that we first use a dictionary to understand the meaning of our word. One definition for INSIGHT is "the capacity to gain an accurate and deep intuitive understanding of a person or thing." Some synonyms yielded by the thesaurus are: discernment, perception, awareness, understanding, and comprehension.

How appropriate that we all received a star gift on Epiphany; the day the Church celebrates the adoration and gifts of the Magi for the Christ Child. Those Wise Men who sought Jesus were led and drawn to Him. They were not of the Jewish faith, yet Matthew's Gospel records their following His Star until they found Him and worshipped with joy. How did that encounter change them? That we don't know, but one meaning of epiphany is: "a moment of sudden revelation or insight." There's that word again!

Perhaps I will find moments of insight - an epiphany - during this year. It could be a star blazing in the sky, but it likely will be in the "still small voice" - even a whisper. Being open, being still, and listening are the disciplines I need.

If you received a star gift last Sunday, I look forward to sharing our experiences this year. If you did not, choose a word that you want to pursue during the year.

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