Now I am in my sixth decade - My Sixties. Here I share my travels, observations and musings on life - its purpose and meaning.

Now I am in my sixth decade - My Sixties. Here I share my travels, observations and musings on life - its purpose and meaning.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Waterfalls on the Stream

It is often said that the years go by faster and faster as we get older. Much like a river or stream, time flows on. Our perception is that time flows ever faster and more swiftly with the passing year. The truth is there are 365 days in 2010; the same number of days as last year.

Often my hikes take me on trails that parallel a mountain stream. There is something soothing about the sounds of a stream tumbling down a slope. I can walk for miles beside a stream and just listen to the sounds it makes; moving with the stream, not stopping, just flowing along. But a waterfall changes that. Hikers always stop for a waterfall. They even go out of their way to get close to a waterfall. Something about falling water captivates us. A waterfall alters the flow of the stream in a dramatic way, and it causes us to stop and take notice. We linger, watch the water cascade over rocks, and try to track an individual drop of water from top to bottom.

As 2010 begins we will soon feel the pull of the stream of time. We can get caught up in the swift passing of the days. Or we can listen and look for "waterfalls" along the stream of 2010. We can take a few minutes to stop and observe the beauty of the moment: a conversation with a friend, a hug from a child, a smile from a stranger, a feeling of peace. I am going to look for the waterfalls along the stream of time this year.

Happy New Year!

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