Now I am in my sixth decade - My Sixties. Here I share my travels, observations and musings on life - its purpose and meaning.

Now I am in my sixth decade - My Sixties. Here I share my travels, observations and musings on life - its purpose and meaning.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

New Blog Title and the Beginning of a New Journey

Now that the big 6-0 has come I have officially entered "My Sixties."  I grew up in the 1960s and that tumultuous decade shaped me.  Now I am in another sixties decade, but this one coincides with my chronological age.  I look ahead to an interesting decade with a new role for me - grandfather and hopefully new challenges.

Always the planner, I really want to live more day to day.  There are so many moments lost because they don't fit into a schedule or plan.  I hope to slow the pace a little and find those moments with my wife and friends.

Travel is in the plans and I will keep this blog updated with those trips. The US National Parks quest is still a goal.  Perhaps a Google Map of parks visited is in order.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Time to Rename this Blog

Today is my 60th birthday, so this blog is no longer a "Prelude to the Sixties" but is about "My 60s."  The official change will be made the day after my birthday, December 29.